Meet David & Sally

Ps David and Sally have served the local church for over 30 years, fulfilling a wide variety of leadership portfolios as well as David’s role as member of the ACC VIC State Executive for 12 years.

Most recently they served for 14 years as Senior Pastors of Bridge Church, (now Neuma Church) a vibrant and contemporary Pentecostal church across five locations, four in the city of Melbourne and one in Bangkok, Thailand. With a congregation of over 4000 in regular attendance, the church has both a significant local impact and extensive international influence through its commitment to global mission.


With his own powerful testimony of salvation and life transformation, Pastor David is passionate about connecting people to God and helping them rise to their full potential in every area of life. His preaching is anointed and practical, relevant to every generation.

A strong visionary, David is passionate about leadership development at all levels within the church.

Combined with Ps Sally’s own leadership and strong prophetic gifting, their influence saw the church flourish and expand, enabling them to release a new generation of emerging leadership.

And now a new season…

In Febuary 2019, sensing a call to serve the wider body of Christ, David and Sally transitioned from leading the church to become an itinerant ministry focusing on leadership development and mentoring across Australia, Asia and Europe.

Based in their home in Melbourne, Australia, they have raised five adult children, are enjoying their seven beautiful grandchildren and are loving life and the local church more than ever!


What do we offer?

Coaching and mentoring

“When leaders lead anything can happen!”

For most pastors there is an abundance of resource and networks available today, but there are very few “Mothers and Fathers in the Faith’. Working individually or as a team, their heart is to come alongside and help walk the journey of both life and leadership. 

Team development and strategy

“Every leader is completely dependant on the quality of their team”

From transitioning 2 churches, planting 5 campuses and raising a team of over 50 staff and hundreds of volunteers,  “Team” is something they are both passionate about.  No matter where you are in your  journey, David and Sally bring a level of experience and spiritual insight that empowers  everyone to move forward.

Teaching and preaching

“Every pulpit is a privilege and every church is fertile ground”

With their own unique style, both David and Sally are gifted communicators loved by all generations. They connect with congregations of all types and sizes, bringing both encouragement and transformational encounter with the presence of God.

Training and seminars

Your true effectiveness is in the equipping and releasing of others”

With over 30 years of pastoral and leadership experience there aren’t many areas David and Sally aren’t able to speak into. Whether it’s team and culture, faith and finance, prayer and the prophetic, homes and relationships….you name it, they will bring it!


Our heart is to engage with leadership and churches in whatever way serves you best! We love to encourage and strengthen your people on the weekend, but it’s when we engage at a leadership level we can bring the most change - equipping you and your team, building your culture and moving the church to your next level of growth and influence.

So whether it is …

  • Personal coaching and support to the senior leadership

  • Weekend services bringing encouragement, impartation and a “now” word for the church

  • Seminars, retreats or training events equipping your people for life and leadership

  • Being a regular voice into leadership and the future vision of the church

We are here to serve you, the local church and leadership networks wherever God connects us!

Background & Experience

  • 30+ years in full time ministry

  • 13 years serving under Apostolic leadership of Pastor Philip Hills

  • 12 years State Executive Member of ACC (Australian Christian Churches)

  • 8 years as ACC Vice President

  • 4 years as Victorian ACC Regional Leader

  • 4 years as Senior Pastor of a Regional Church

  • 14 years as Senior Pastor of Bridge Church (now Neuma Church)

  • Ps David and Ps Sally remain fully ordained Ministers with the Australian Christian Churches, operating under the covering of their own Board of Administration